
W3.JS is a library of useful JavaScript functions. It's useful for both client-side and server-side applications.

W3.JS includes an extensive library of HTML, CSS, SVG, and more - all in one file! The functions include:

Get/set elements attributes

Get/set elements style

Add/remove HTML elements, class names...etc...

Change the style of a DOM element -- including changing font size or color! You can also write your own custom functions (within limits). W3.JS makes it easy to add interactivity to your web application or website by using JavaScript instead of Flash or other technologies which are now outdated but still popular because people worry about security issues related to Flash.# Themes

W3.JS is a library of useful JavaScript functions

W3.JS is a library of useful JavaScript functions that you can use in both client-side and server-side applications. It includes an extensive library of HTML, CSS, SVG and more - all in one file!

It's useful for both client-side and server-side applications.

W3.JS is a JavaScript library that can be used on both the client and server side. It's useful for both single page applications (SPAs) and web applications.

It includes an extensive library of HTML, CSS, SVG, and more - all in one file.

It includes an extensive library of HTML, CSS, SVG and more - all in one file. It's useful for both client-side and server-side applications.

The functions include:

\* Get/set elements attributes

var myClass = document.getElementById('my-class'); console.log(myClass.className); //outputs 'my-class'

Similarly, it is possible to find out whether an HTML tag has been assigned or not by checking whether its class attribute exists: var myTag = document.getElementById("mytag"); console.log(typeof(document).hasOwnProperty("tag")); //outputs true

\* Get/set elements style

Get/set elements style

The getElementById() method of the DOM node returns a reference to an element by its ID. This can be used to retrieve data from an HTML or XML document, or it can be used with JavaScript to manipulate this document in your own way. For example:


var el = document . getElementById ( 'foo' );

// Change some property on `el`

el . style . backgroundColor = 'red' ; // Set a new value for `background-color` property

\* Add/remove HTML elements, class names, text content

You can add/remove HTML elements, class names and text content.


var elem = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]; elem.style[‘color’] = ‘green'; ```

\* And much more...!

W3.JS is a JavaScript library that can be used in your web applications. It’s an all-in-one file, so no need to download anything else!

W3.JS is awesome!

W3.JS is a library of useful JavaScript functions, created by GitHub user @dacharyan. It’s available as a NPM package and its source code is hosted on GitHub.

W3.JS can be used for both client-side and server-side applications, but it especially shines in the latter because of its extensive library of HTML, CSS, SVG and more - all in one file!


Now that you know what W3.JS is and why it's useful, go ahead and download it from the link above!