React Tutorial


In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to use React in your own projects.

React Tutorial

It's built on top of the familiar Flux architecture, which consists of three parts: State, Actions and Stores.

State refers to your application's data; it's changed when an action occurs. Your store keeps track of this state and makes sure that it gets updated whenever there's some change in it (for example when you add or remove an object from its array).

Actions are what causes changes in the state—for example, if you click on something in your app then that will cause it go forward one step (or backward) through its history list until you reach another item again! And finally... Stores handle all these little details so we can focus on other things like design patterns instead!

Hello React!

To begin, let's import React from the react package.


import React from 'react';

Props (Properties)

Props are the data that a component receives. They're passed from parent to child, so they can be any type of data, including numbers, strings and arrays.

Props are immutable (they cannot be changed once created) and have a unique ID associated with them (which can also be used as an identifier).


State is the data that your component manages. It can be updated, accessed from the component and it's mutable.

The state of a React app is usually stored in a data store like Redux or MobX.

For example: if you want to show some information about user's current location on a map, then you might have an object with id and latitude/longitude values as properties (e.g., "user_location"). This object will be used by your component by accessing its value property (e.g., "/user/location").

Interacting With Forms and Events

Now that you know how to create a component and how to use the render method, let's move on to interacting with forms and events.

In order for your component to handle any interactions from users, it needs a form component that can be used by the user in order to submit data or enter text into a field. The best way of doing this is by creating an input element within your ReactDOM render method:


ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('myForm'));//This will replace `myForm` with whatever HTML was passed as its first argument

React without JSX?

React is not JSX. It's a library, but it can be used as one. It's not a framework, either—and if you're looking for something that will give you all the benefits of a JavaScript framework without actually being one (like Angular or Ember), then this is probably not what you're after anyway!

It's also true that React isn't just for the browser: it can also be used on both the server and in native apps via JSX-compiled code generation, which happens when your app generates HTML markup from its JavaScript sources (like CoffeeScript).

Lifecycle Methods - Mounting

You can use the mount lifecycle method to create components. The mount method is called when your component first becomes visible in the DOM, such as when you add it to a component tree or present it at runtime.

The most common method call within this phase is render(), which will be called after we have mounted our component, but before its children are added to the DOM (i.e., if there were children whose render() methods were called).

Lifecycle Methods - Updating

The lifecycle methods are used to update the state of your React components. They allow you to change the values of properties and events, which is useful when you want to keep track of certain information in your application.

There are three types of lifecycle methods: mount, update, and unmount. Each one has a specific purpose and purpose only; they don't do anything else besides changing some data or doing something else related with that particular element's state/behavioral properties (elements).

The mount method is called when an element is first created on screen so that it can be rendered into its container or parent component later on down the line after everything has been set up properly within React itself (which usually happens during render). It's also used for removing child components from parent containers when these children were destroyed by their parents during updates made through props passing between multiple nested components sharing similar namespaces but different contexts where each one belongs based upon how many times they're referenced elsewhere within our application codebase before being specifically targeted by us directly through whatever logic needs changing right now...

Lifecycle Methods - Unmounting

Unmounting is the opposite of mounting. It happens when you remove a component from the DOM, so it's important to know how to do this in case you ever need to remove a component from React.

Use ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode() to unmount a component:

Using React is easy.

React is an easy-to-learn framework that makes web apps faster, more responsive and easier to write.
