

AngularJS is a browser-based MVC application framework. It allows you to create your own custom UI components, as well as manage data within an HTML document. While it offers many advantages over other frameworks for building websites, it can be difficult to fully understand how all of this works without some initial instruction from an expert. In this article, I'll explain what AngularJS is and how it works—and why that matters if you want to use it effectively when building websites or mobile apps.

AngularJS is a browser-based MVC application framework.

It is developed by Google and released under an Apache 2 license, making it free to use on any platform.

The idea behind AngularJS is to provide the programmer with the means to create an application in which all of the data can be handled by one single script file (instead of having multiple files). This makes it easy for developers who are familiar with HTML5 and CSS3 code to build feature-rich websites quickly without having to write any backend code.

AngularJS works asynchronously so that you don't have to wait around while your app loads up before you can start working on your next task—it's just like using a browser! If you've ever used jQuery or Dojo then this will feel very familiar because they both work similarly: they send AJAX calls over HTTP requests which then return whatever data was requested back from them (usually HTML markup).

AngularJS also supports two types of directives: decorators and pipes."

An AngularJS application consists of a single HTML document that includes custom tags and attributes. These extend regular HTML tags with custom functionality. For example, AngularJS allows you to create your own tags called "directives," which you can then use to extend HTML’s functionality however you wish. AngularJS's most notable directives are ng-model and ng-repeat.

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that allows you to create rich web applications. It uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create dynamic user interfaces (UI) with data-binding. Data binding means that the values of model properties are automatically updated whenever they change in your code. This makes it easy to update the screen when new data has been added or removed from your model object.

The following example shows how a directive can be used on an element:

You can also use directives inside other directives:


The term "MVC" stands for "Model View Controller." This is a design pattern that was very popular in the early days of desktop software development. It dictates that an application should contain three components: a Model, which represents the data in the application; a View, which represents the user interface (UI); and a Controller, which manages interactions between the model and view. In other words, it governs how users interact with data through the UI and vice versa.

The term "MVC" stands for "Model View Controller." This is a design pattern that was very popular in the early days of desktop software development. It dictates that an application should contain three components: a Model, which represents the data in the application; a View, which represents the user interface (UI); and a Controller, which manages interactions between the model and view. In other words, it governs how users interact with data through the UI and vice versa.

In Angular 1 we had our own way of doing things by using ng-repeat but now we have been able to use controllers instead of directly manipulating properties on objects or arrays like before with ng-repeat.*

In desktop applications, each of these three components would be defined in its own code file (or group of files). But since web applications are essentially just HTML documents, these three components need to be able to coexist within a single file. This is why MVC frameworks like AngularJS were created—to let developers define these components within a single HTML document.

MVC is a design pattern. A software application is built by dividing its functionality into three components: Model, View and Controller. The model represents the data that your application needs to work with; it's used to generate HTML pages or other outputs (like XML files). The view presents information from the model to users; it's what they see when they interact with your app. Finally, controllers provide logic for handling user interactions—for example, calling an API endpoint when someone clicks somewhere on their screen or types something into their text box (the controller will then send some JSON back).

In desktop applications, each of these three components would be defined in its own code file (or group of files). But since web applications are essentially just HTML documents and not programs running on machines behind closed doors like PCs or laptops do today—they're much easier than developing desktop apps because there aren't any underlying operating systems which require special drivers installed prior to being able to run them properly! This means that developers don't need specialized knowledge about how those pieces work together before creating something new; instead all they need is knowledge about how HTML works - which makes creating websites much simpler than doing so by hand!


In conclusion, AngularJS is an MVC framework that allows developers to create applications with web technologies. It’s a good choice for those looking to make their products more accessible and flexible. If you want more information about AngularJS or would like some help getting started with it yourself, then check out our course on Udemy!